“Subjects like to learn through reinforcement not for obvious reasons—to get food or other rewards—but because they actually get some control over what is happening.”
- Karen Pryor
Getting to know the science behind behaviour change will empower you to be the best trainer you can be for your dog.
Counter conditioning
is the process of replacing a negative emotional response to a stimulus with a positive emotional response by adding an innately pleasurable stimulus such as food. This has practical applications for dealing with fear and anxiety-related behaviours.
Operant conditioning
is the process of changing the likelihood of a behavioural response as a result of the consequence of exposure to a stimulus. It is also known as instrumental learning and was developed by B.F. Skinner
Classical conditioning
is the process of associating a positive emotional response with a previously neutral stimulus. It is also known as associative learning and was developed by Ivan Pavlov.
Systematic desensitization
is the process of reducing sensitivity or reactivity toward stimuli through gradual exposure. The negative emotional response is changed to a positive emotional response through gradual and controlled exposure to the full-strength stimulus.