I acknowledge that I am a white settler on the traditional territory of the Attawandaron (Neutral), Anishnaabeg, and Haudenosauonee peoples.

I can acknowledge my positionality in the following ways: Southern Ontarian, white, cis-gender, young-ish, female, gay, able-bodied, neurologically atypical, a student of an academic institution, entrepreneur, teacher, activist.

My positionality gives me the privilege to think about racism and learn about racism rather than feel or experience it first hand. 

Acknowledging my social position and privilege is one way that I can stay accountable for challenging white supremacy.

At any time, I will exchange a half-hour virtual dog training and behaviour Q & A for a $25 or more donation to an anti-racist social justice organization. 

All I need to see is the receipt of a donation made in 2023. 

Iā€™m participating in this effort because this enables me to do more than *think* about racism and further embody my values of anti-racist work, allyship, education, equity, and courage.  

Please send me an email if you would like to discuss this effort. I welcome peaceful conversations that center around experience, curiosity, and growth. 

I look forward to your participation and learning together. 

To learn more about the racial wealth gap in America, click here to read an informative article about Financial Literacy in the Black Community.